Thursday, May 1, 2014

One Year For Each Hour in a Day

Still talking about my birthday here (haha) this time I want to share the lovely night I had with three of my closest bestest buddies. My family didn't end up coming to movie night but it went really well regardless.

Actually I think it would have been too warm and hectic in the house if they actually came! Only having four people over apart from my family gave me the chance to give them my full attention. It was lovely preparing food I love, showing fantastic animated films on a huge screen, popcorn all to ourselves, ah it was nice. I want more nights like this.

My two best bros arrived first. I popped some corn and Sansa, Aizel, Carmen and I sat and watched Epic. I was a bit distracted for a lot of the film eating and preparing plates and stuff but it was a great movie! Touching, cute, funny.

This was the AV setup: just a projector from my mom's office (thank you!) hooked to the laptop, and some really loud speakers hooked to the laptop and propped up on a couch or on the floor...

And an electric fan that had the sole purpose of keeping the projector cool the whole time :p

I was super excited about this setup and it was a great success, the video quality was great and the audio was great... The living room was a perfectly cozy setting (even though it was a little warm because it's at the height of summer) and I think that white screen looks really pretty on the curtain rod... 

Jeren and Mio came soon after.. It was hard to take a picture of these two! It was dark in the living room of course, and Mio was really the life of the party running around and just enjoying himself, so pictures were often blurry! I was super glad to have these two around. They are just an adorable mom-and-babyboy duo.

By the time we were watching Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2, I was already settled enough to really enjoy it. I kinda think I should have switched the order around because I'd already seen this before ^^ Maybe I should have played this while I was scurrying around and played Epic when I already could sit down to fully enjoy it haha.

Mio is so hilarious. These pictures are super cute. What an adorable curious little puffin.

I was super proud of the foodstuff, even the plates! These are picnic plates we have just hanging out back, and the forks are an accidental match. I just asked if we had plastic forks and yes we did and they matched perfectly. The white penne dish is a recipe of my own (tuna, mushroom, bell pepper! super good.) and the simple spaghetti is a readymade sauce I love (no shame) and then patties. AND SUCH AWESOME GARLIC BREAD. I'm so happy about 39-peso buy1 take1 baguettes from Shop Wise!!! I just finely crushed some garlic, mixed them in a tub of spreadable butter, cut up the baguette and slathered a thin spread in all the slits. it was heavenly.

Mio's favorite was definitely the popcorn, though. I wish I had a picture of him with the bucket on his lap XD

I decided to make this semi-good gif out of bad photos so you can get the general idea of what it was like... Super accurate too, what with Mio and Jeren being blurry because of Mio being supercharged! Hehe. I love these peeples.

Told you Mio is blurry in pictures XD Camera can't handle such speed!

Mio loooved Sansa! I'm very pleased about how Sansa acted around my guests. Very polite and sweet. Although a bit overwhelmed by Mio's supercharged energy! Not something she's used to, this one:

Here are Aizel and Carmen being entertained by Mio. Jeren is a supermom now :) I seriously admire her, she can totally keep up with Mio! When Mio bumped his head, we were all like *GASP* but Jeren just very calmly opened the freezer, took out a cold compress and pressed it against his head. Woahhhh~ She explained that she doesn't react when he hurts himself so he won't be embarrassed, and true enough, Mio just got up and played again like nothing happened. Super cool.

Here are the cuuute gifts I received on my birthday! The warmest, cutest, me-est hand drawn card, a pink lipstick (I have been looking for one!), and The Te of Piglet. Aizel was suuper sweet; we saw this book in a bargain section and I really really wanted it, but I didn't buy it because of limited funds.. But she apparently went back there and DUG THROUGH ALL THE BOOKS TO FIND IT AGAIN so she can give it to me :')

Isn't it cute how everything is blue and white in this picture? :3 (with a little pink..)

This year I am happy about a lot of things. I feel the me-est that I've ever felt, I feel like a solid me. That might sound like a bunch of jibberish, but I truly feel thankful for it. I've shed so much pain, so much anxiety, so much insecurity that I've carried during the past years. It's a constant climb, but at this stage, I feel like my state of mind is cooperating with me just a little bit more.

I celebrated small, but it was very meaningful and true. I watched things I genuinely like, ate food I genuinely love, with people (and a dog) I genuinely wanted to be around me.

If this is a taste of what the rest of my year will be like, then bring it on, 24! <3

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