Sure it doesn't taste exactly the same (the jelly was a bit too firm, too milky, and not vanilla-y enough) but it hits the spot for sure!
I like being at home satiating my cravings by MAKING food instead of buying it. From many weeks of eating fastfood at least once a week in college, it's a very welcome change. I'm lucky to have a mom who lets me choose the food I want to eat, even though it's her that pays for groceries (and everything else really)... I really enjoy grocery shopping with her, it gives us a chance to talk about food and plans etc. I have her full support on the eating healthier thing. So I can take liberties in menu building. Exciting! I hope I live up to the challenge, and eventually help make my whole family eat healthier. The challenge is that my brothers are great carbi-carnivores. They can't exactly just eat oatmeal every morning. They don't see a salad, or oatmeal, or cereal as a meal. It's just something you eat with your meal. So I will have to find really wholesome, filling, but healthy recipes and make it with our helper. Then she'll learn it and make it more regularly. :) OR maybe I'm underestimating them. Maybe they can learn, I don't know, we shall have to see! I'm pretty sure everyone has the need and desire in them to be healthy.
I also made coffee jelly today, something she said she's always thought of making for when we have guests but keep on forgetting. I hope I remember. It's such a simple but satisfying dessert. Unless of course you find the whole concept of coffee in jelly form strange. (A lot of people do. Apparently it's an asian food.)
And I made tuna and chicken wraps, after mixing up tartar sauce first. I found a recipe. Apparently it'll taste better if you let it set but WOOPS i already ate it before it could. Made five more though. I wonder if it will also do the setting magic even if its already in the salad wrap.
I mean, my room is still a mess but I'm pretty pleased with myself.
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